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Which Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure Is Right for Me

Which Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure Is Right for Me

Which cosmetic dental treatment will give you the ideal smile?

There are so many cosmetic options available to patients these days that it can be difficult to figure out which one will give you the results you want. Our Wichita, KS, dentist Dr. John Lewis and his cosmetic dentistry team have worked with patients dealing with a wide range of imperfections to help them achieve smiles they can feel truly confident in. By simply answering these questions, we can help you figure out which cosmetic dentistry option is best suited to your needs,

Do you have yellowing or stained teeth?

Most people start to notice their smile getting dull over the years. Everything from the foods we eat to smoking cigarettes to older age can alter the color of our teeth. Luckily, Dr. Lewis and his team can get your smile several shades whiter, often in just one hour with a chairside whitening treatment. If you’re looking to get a whiter smile for an important event that’s coming up, or simply to feel more confident, our cosmetic dental team can help.

Do you have chipped or misshapen teeth?

We offer a variety of ways to correct chipped, cracked, and oddly shaped teeth. The treatment we recommend will depend on the severity of these flaws. Small chips and cracks can be covered with dental bonding, which uses the same tooth-colored resin that fills teeth after cavities. Dental veneers can also be bonded to the front of your teeth to alter the shape, size, and appearance of your smile. If you’re looking to make widespread changes to your teeth, then dental veneers may be a better option.

Are your teeth crooked or misaligned?

Most people don’t have a perfectly straight smile, but if your crooked teeth are making you feel self-conscious, we offer everything from dental veneers to orthodontic treatment options such as Invisalign, which can help everyone from older teens to adults get the smiles they want.

What are your goals for cosmetic dentistry?

For our Wichita, KS, dental team to understand what you’re hoping to achieve through cosmetic dentistry, you need to have a clear-cut idea first. Do you want a whiter smile? Do you hate that gap between your front teeth? Do you wish your smile was straighter? Write down what’s necessary for you to have your dream smile, then bring it with you to our consultation.

Do you have questions about the cosmetic dentistry services we offer here in Wichita, KS? Want to sit down with Dr. Lewis and his team to discuss your treatment options? To schedule a consultation with the team at Wichita Dental Group call (316) 265-0849.