Epic Center (Downtown)

(316) 265-0849

Founders Circle (East)

(316) 684-7531

No More Dental Stains With Teeth Whitening

No More Dental Stains With Teeth Whitening

You've heard of professional teeth whitening, but are you sure it can work for your dental stains? Also, is it safe for your teeth and gums? Let Dr. John Lewis at Wichita Dental Group in Wichita, KS, answer all your teeth whitening questions. His friendly and well-respected dental practice helps patients have great oral health and the brilliant smiles they deserve.

Those unattractive dental stains

They form over time, particularly if you like your coffee, smoke, or enjoy blueberry pie, curry dishes, or soy sauce on your Asian cuisine. Tooth enamel is porous, absorbing whatever you put in your mouth. Inadequate brushing and flossing and/or infrequent cleanings at Wichita Dental Group compound the problem, and smiles end up dull and yellow.

What to do about them

Explore professional teeth whitening at Wichita Dental Group. Safer and more effective than retail whitening products, this much sought-after service brightens teeth by up to eight shades of color. The painted-on whitening gel contains potent hydrogen peroxide; in fact, it's much more concentrated than what you get in a drugstore rinse, toothpaste or strips.

To ensure your gums and teeth are healthy enough for whitening, your dentist does a complete exam in his Wichita office. If all is well, you'll receive a hygienic cleaning followed by your whitening treatment performed right in the dental chair. It takes about an hour, and the results are truly spectacular.

No more stains

Most in-office whitening treatments last indefinitely--months to years. However, it's helpful to:

  • Get whitening touch-ups as needed
  • Avoid all tobacco products
  • Drink your favorite tea, coffee or cola with a straw
  • Consume several glasses of water daily to wash tooth surfaces and increase saliva production
  • Brush your teeth with a quality toothpaste and soft brush twice a day
  • Floss daily to keep ahead of plaque and tartar
  • Come to Wichita Dental Group semi-annually for a cleaning and check-up

A wonderful, effective treatment

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry says professional teeth whitening is today's most popular aesthetic dental treatment. Find out what it could do for you. Book a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. John Lewis at Wichita Dental Group. Ask about teeth whitening and other ways to create the smile of your dreams. Phone us at (316) 265-0849.