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Close the Gaps In Your Smile

Close the Gaps In Your Smile

Does your missing tooth embarrass you? You can do something to dramatically improve your appearance and oral function. Discover the dental implantsbenefits of dental implants. This tooth replacement places a completely artificial tooth into that empty socket. With excellent craftsmanship from Dr. John Lewis and his team at Wichita Dental Group in Wichita, KS, your dental implant will restore your smile and last for decades.

The side effects of tooth loss

The unattractive gap is just one of the consequences. Others include:

·  Deterioration of the gum tissue and bone at the empty socket (facial sagging and wrinkling results, too)
·  Compromised biting and chewing
·  Poor speech
·  Weakening of surrounding teeth as they naturally drift toward the empty space

Americans age 60 and over have lost an average of 9 teeth, much to the detriment of their oral health and facial appearance.

A great alternative

Traditional bridgework and dentures simply rest on gums and bone; so the body resorbs those hard and soft tissues quickly. Also, some of these prosthetics require substantial enamel reduction on supporting teeth. For instance, the pontic, or artificial, teeth in a two-unit fixed bridge require dental crowns on both the left and right sides of the appliance to anchor it.

Dental implants, however, do not harm teeth neighboring the gap. A single dental implant has a titanium screw which is surgically inserted into the jaw bone. This device supports an extension post and custom-crafted porcelain crown.

In fact, the titanium implant actually improves jaw bone width, height, and density because of a natural process called osseointegration. Osseointegration is a natural bonding process in which human bone adheres to titanium metal. Common to both dental implant processes and joint replacement surgeries, osseointegration takes an investment of time and patience, but it produces a stable, strong, and long-lasting implant.

The implant process

The initial oral health evaluation at Wichita Dental Group determines if you have enough jaw bone and overall good health to receive an implant. Dr. Lewis does a complete examination and X-rays to fully understand your bone structure. If you qualify, your implant procedure will take several months to complete as the titanium device requires time to complete a successful bond.

Caring for your implant

Think of it as a real tooth. Brush twice a day, and floss carefully around it. Avoid tobacco usage, and see Dr. Lewis semi-annually for cleanings and check-ups. Care is really that simple.

Learn more in Wichita

You can close that smile gap with a state-of-the-art dental implant from Wichita Dental Group. Call today to arrange your consultation with Dr. Lewis in Wichita, WA: (316) 265-0849.